Words from the founder.
The inefficient support system and platform to aid the growth of young people creates a disconnect between the passing generation and the next generation, resulting in a huge gap between knowledge and results today. This disconnect is evident in the high rates of school dropouts, violence, drug abuse, and various crimes associated with young people—a clear sign of a generation that has lost its identity and is crying out.
Statistically, 75% of the young people in today’s world have no fathers to look up to as role models, leading to a generation lacking the support and love of a father. This absence is a significant factor contributing to the challenges faced by young people.
Mentorship is highly required and should be consistent if considered. By paying equal attention to the needs of our young people through mentoring, this gap can be bridged. Good mentorship for young people in all categories and professions from the grassroots may be the ticket to a brighter, better future.
Mentoring has long been recognized as an essential strategy for attracting, developing, and retaining top talent. According to a survey by the American Society for Training and Development, 75% of private sector executives said that mentoring was critical in helping them reach their current positions. Mentorship provides not only knowledge and skills but also professional socialization and personal support, facilitating success across all professions and fields.
Our progress in all fields is painfully slow, and this can be attributed to the lack of corporate, political, and social leadership. Good mentoring helps young people and their ideas evolve, assisting them in their professional journeys. Developing leadership in our children is crucial for them to become the growth engines of tomorrow.
A strong policy of political, economic, religious, and social issues must be adopted by our leaders in all sectors to ensure the healthy growth and relevance of the next generation, always keeping the nation in mind.
Our mission should be to strive to create a generation connected with local and global issues, empowered and organized to overcome the economic and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow. We can build a community where young people are nurtured to become the leaders we need, where multiple generations can learn from, teach, and support one another.